1,930 research outputs found

    Model and management indicators in industrial omnichannel (B2B)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has driven increases in the provision of services through digital channels, even by more traditional companies. An Omnichannel model of service provision poses new management challenges for companies. This research reviews the literature on Omnichannel Management by companies whose clients are other companies (B2B) and classifies the different areas of research to date. The principal finding is that, despite considerable academic interest in Omnichannel management, there have been few studies of Omnichannel in the B2B field. This emphasizes a significant research gap to address. We have also outlined the Research Agenda to highlight future lines of research

    Standardized environmental management systems as an internal management tool

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    In a principal-agent model we analyze the firm’s decision to adopt an informal or a standardized Environmental Management System (EMS). Our results are consistent with empirical evidence in several respects. A standardized EMS increases the internal control at the cost of introducing some degree of rigidity that entails an endogenous setup cost. Standardized systems are more prone to be adopted by big and well established firms and under tougher environmental policies. Firms with standardized EMS tend to devote more effort to abatement although this effort results in lower pollution only if public incentives are strong enough, suggesting a complementarity relationship between standardized EMS and public policies. Emission charges have both a marginal effect on abatement and a qualitative effect on the adoption decision that may induce a conflict between private and public interests. As a result of the combination of these two effects it can be optimal for the government to distort the tax in a specific way in order to push the firm to choose the socially optimal EMS. The introduction of standardized systems can result in win-win situations where firms, society and the environment get better off

    Complicaciones a corto plazo de la artroplastia total primaria de cadera

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    Objetivos: Se pretende analizar las principales complicaciones a corto plazo (seis semanas) tras la Artroplastia total primaria de cadera. ;aterial y métodos: Se revisaron todos los pacientes a los que se realizó artroplastia total de cadera durante el año 2003. Las variables estudiadas fueron el índice de luxaciones, sangrado, infección, fracturas periprotésicas, complicaciones vásculo-nerviosas y mortalidad. Resultados: Obtuvimos una tasa del 4,4% de luxaciones; 1,7% de trombosis venosa profunda con un 0,87% de embolismo pulmonar, 1,7% de infecciones superficiales sin casos de infección profunda. El 14,9% de los casos necesitaron una transfusión postquirúrgica. Intraoperatoriamente observamos apertura del cálcar en el 3,5%, y fracturas periprotésicas postoperatorias en el 0,87%. No registramos complicaciones neurológicas ni mortalidad en estas primeras seis semanas del estudio. Conclusiones: La complicación más frecuente es la luxación, fundamentalmente en los casos secundarios a fractura. La trombosis venosa profunda, a èsar de la profilaxis, continúa siendo una complicación frecuente.Objectives: Our purpose was to analyze the main early complications (six weeks) after primary total hip arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: All patients who had undergone primary total hip replacement during 2003 were reviewed. The studied outcomes were the rates of dislocation, blood loss, infection, periprosthetic fractures, neural and vascular complications, and mortality. Results: Our rates were 4,4% for hip dislocation, 1,7% for deep vein thrombosis with 0,87% for pulmonary embolism, 1,7% for wound infection without cases of deep infection. 14,9% of the patients needed postoperative transfusion. We reported 3,5% fractures of the calcar during surgery and 0,87% of postoperative periprosthetic fractures. We didn ́t reported any neural complications or mortality within six weeks postoperatively. Conclusions: The most frequent complication is dislocation, mainly in cases whose underlying diagnose was hip fracture. Although prophylaxis is done, deep vein thrombosis goes on being a frequent complication

    Unsupervised explainable activity prediction in competitive nordic walking from experimental data

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    Artificial Intelligence ( ai ) has found application in Human Activity Recognition ( har ) in competitive sports. To date, most Machine Learning ( ml ) approaches for har have relied on offline (batch) training, imposing higher computational and tagging burdens compared to online processing unsupervised approaches. Additionally, the decisions behind traditional ml predictors are opaque and require human interpretation. In this work, we apply an online processing unsupervised clustering approach based on low-cost wearable Inertial Measurement Units ( imu s). The outcomes generated by the system allow for the automatic expansion of limited tagging available ( e.g. , by referees) within those clusters, producing pertinent information for the explainable classification stage. Specifically, our work focuses on achieving automatic explainability for predictions related to athletes' activities, distinguishing between correct, incorrect, and cheating practices in Nordic Walking. The proposed solution achieved performance metrics of close to 100% on averageXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021-118Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-093Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/0

    A simulation study on the health concerns derived from GSM base station placement

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    In the last years a great concern has raised among population due to the placement of the base stations (BS) of cellular systems in urban areas. In some cases, it has been addressed with the (re)installation of BSs in far suburban areas. However, in these cases, mobile stations (MS) must raise transmission power. Thus, users may -potentially- suffer a higher radio exposure. In this paper we quantified the variation of the transmission power in this application scenario. The study has been done by means of the OPNET/GSM framework simulation tool. Suitable propagation models and the GSM power control algorithm have been added to the model, in order to compute the MS transmission power in a real environment. Results reveal a significative increment of the MS transmission power when the BS is relocated to suburban areas. Therefore, we conclude that it is necessary to introduce modifications in the GSM network architecture to solve this issue together with the BS placement problemThis work has been funded by the Spanish Economy, Industry and Innovation Council under the SOLIDMOVIL project (2I04SU044), by Fundación Séneca (Región de Murcia, Spain) ARENA project (00546/PI/04) and by the Spanish Research Council under the ARPaq project (TEC2004-05622- C04-02/TCM). The authors are also indebted to OPNET Technologies Inc. for granting licenses under the OPNET University program

    A Microplate-Based Bioluminescence Assay of Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake

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    Producción CientíficaMitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis is crucial for regulating vital functions such as respiration or apoptosis. Targeted aequorins are excellent probes to measure subcellular Ca2+. Ca2+ concentration in mitochondria ([Ca2+]M) is low at rest (about 10−7 M) and can increase to the micromolar or even approach the millimolar range, upon cell activation. Here we describe a new quantitative luminescent protocol to directly measure mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, optimized for high throughput. The sensitivity of the method allows detection of changes in either the capacity or the affinity of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project BFU2014-534698P)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD16/0011/0003

    Criteria for Positioning Active Multilateration Stations Located Close to Distance Measuring Equipment

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    The need for the use of another surveillance system when radar cannot be used is the reason for the development of the Multilateration (MLT) Systems. However, there are many systems that operate in the L-Band (960-1215MHz) that could produce interference between systems. At airports, some interference has been detected between transmissions of MLT systems (1030MHz and 1090MHz) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) (960-1215MHz)

    "Del estudio en la theórica y del trabajo en la práctica" observaciones sobre la formación, ideas y obra del arquitecto Vicente Acero

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    Vicente Acero continúa siendo un arquitecto infravalorado, a pesar de que intervino en la construcción de algunas de las más representativas creaciones del Barroco español, como pueden ser los sagrarios de las cartujas de Granada y El Paular, la Catedral de Cádiz, la fachada de la Catedral de Guadix, etc. En estas líneas analizamos las circunstancias y motivaciones que orientan su siempre difícil labor; atendiendo a su formación como cantero, la influencia y participación en las obras de su maestro Francisco Hurtado, los contactos con los ingenieros militares, los préstamos visibles de la arquitectura barroco italiana al igual que, a la luz de nuevos datos, profundizamos en sus conocimientos teóricos

    GAP, an aequorin-based fluorescent indicator for imaging Ca2+ in organelles

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    Producción CientíficaGenetically encoded calcium indicators allow monitoring subcellular Ca2+ signals inside organelles. Most genetically encoded calcium indicators are fusions of endogenous calcium-binding proteins whose functionality in vivo may be perturbed by competition with cellular partners.We describe here a novel family of fluorescent Ca2+ sensors based on the fusion of two Aequorea victoria proteins, GFP and apo-aequorin (GAP). GAP exhibited a unique combination of features: dual-excitation ratiometric imaging, high dynamic range, good signal-to-noise ratio, insensitivity to pH and Mg2+, tunable Ca2+ affinity, uncomplicated calibration, and targetability to five distinct organelles. Moreover, transgenic mice for endoplasmic reticulum-targeted GAP exhibited a robust long-term expression that correlated well with its reproducible performance in various neural tissues. This biosensor fills a gap in the actual repertoire of Ca2+ indicators for organelles and becomes a valuable tool for in vivo Ca2+ imaging applications